Saturday, May 7, 2011

Goals for the Summer

So its been a total of Seven days since I completed the Spring Semester of 2011, only to begin the Summer Semester on Monday. Yes, quite a break, especially with traveling out of town four of those seven days. LOL and any of my mother friends can testify that traveling with little ones is not exactly a vacation, but thankfully my mother-in-law has been very helpful with pulling my little girl, Abigail, out of their fireplace, several times a day! LOL Yes, she is at a very active stage...but I am truly loving every minute of it.

So with another semester vastly approaching, and another baby soon to be born, I've decided to set some goals this summer. Some may think I am crazy, okay, I feel crazy. Some may think no big deal, well, you've probably never been in school with two babies. LOL... lets just say, I am feeling a little crazy and excited all in one. These goals only serve a purpose, and that is to make time for myself (before the third baby arrives) and intentionally challenge myself more as a follower of Christ.

Okay, you ready?
Trust me, all this hype really means nothing! LOL
But the goals are:

-Read two books along with my required readings for class.
-Instill a weekly workout routine to assist with the pregnancy.

I just honestly miss reading for pleasure. I have book shelves full of books that I am LONGING to read, but there are only two pressing on my heart right now.

The first one:

I have some friends who are reading this now and have talked very highly about it. Most importantly this book posed a challenge for me, spiritually. I am wanting something that will challenge me to go deeper with God. Most of you know the lifestyle Mike and I have been called to live. It's not that we live poorly, but do live unlike a lot of our fellow friends in life. We aren't able to leisurely shop, etc. Okay, a LOT of people are not able to leisurely shop right now. Sorry, bad example. But sometimes we are unaware of how our bills will get paid; However, He ALWAYS comes through for us. No, thats not a problem for us, but to say its not a struggle sometimes for me, would be a lie. I think a book like this will hopefully just encourage me in this walk as we journey in this process. I think sometimes being surrounded by the American dream constantly can be discouraging, especially when you know you've been called to live differently. I often say, Mike and I are not pursuing graduate school to make sure we can buy a house and a car for ourselves, but we're pursuing training to undergo a non-profit to help the less fortunate. So although this may be a short season for us, I still feel like this is going to be a lifestyle. Just like now, our needs have always been and will always be met, but I believe God is just wanting us to live with enough... Although, I often feel over abundantly blessed.... So I just feel like this book will hopefully re-edify our lifestyle while challenging us to live more radically for Him. :-)

The Second book I've chosen is one I've been wanting to read for a LONG time and I honestly can't think of a more perfect time to read it:


Many are aware that my last pregnancy with Abigail I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes. Many people say, oh no big deal, just eat right and all will be well. Well I ate perfect, worked out six days a week, and thirty pounds later, in a matter of two months, was still unable to maintain healthy blood sugars. This resulted in two different medications, thankfully no insulin, but an early induction and me being unable to birth in a midwifery center I so desperately desire to do. So with this third pregnancy here, my midwifes first concern, SUGAR! I had my glucose test at 11 weeks and failed miserably. So the healthy eating (yes i should have been doing this all along) begins even earlier this pregnancy. So far I have been able to maintain my sugars nicely with diet. My prayer is that it continues with no medications! Also I go for my three hour sugar test next week which will be the deciding factor of whether or not I have GD this time or not. I just think this book could not come at a more perfect time. I knew the Lord desired for me to read it at the perfect time, so here it is. Eating healthy for my baby is not much of a struggle for me, but once the baby comes out is a different story. My goal is too continue this healthy eating with replacing my desires for sweets to Him! I can't wait to begin this book! Looking forward too

And of course, now that you have read the above paragraph, you now understand the need for routine exercising! LOL

So yes these are my goals. I think if I cut out some television and maybe some play-dates (no my kids do NOT need to be out of the house 5 days a week) this is very possible. 

I hope to blog some of my reactions to the books and just the journey this will bring me!

If you have read all this, BRAVO! LOL Thanks for reading it! And if you know me personally, please ask me about it! Everybody could use a little accountability, right?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Angelic Encounters

"Are not angels all ministering spirits sent out (of God for the assistance) of those who are to inherit salvation?"
Hebrews 1:14
Whenever I approach the book of Hebrews I know I can plan on being impacted by its heavy words. Today this verse caused me to stop and ponder.  Are not angels available for our assistance and guidance as we walk through this journey here on earth? 

This thought may challenge some of your theologies.  Recently I had the privilege of taking a class here at Regent University titled, "Angelology and Demonology." Whenever I would tell someone I was taking this class their interest was always sparked.  No we did not sit around and share stories of angelic and demonic encounters.  But we did focus on their origin and purpose during ancient biblical text, and their possible purpose for today in the lives of Believers.  

This topic was vast and because of the lack of time we were very limited on our discussions, but one day while we were discussing the ministry of angels I was shocked and saddened to learn that some of my seminary classmates did not believe in angels today. They rationalized for the sake of scripture that God used them during biblical times, because this is very clear throughout the Old Testament and within the journeys of our New Testament church; however, since we now have the Holy Spirit as our assistance, some believed we no longer needed the assistance of these angelic beings.  

But here's my ration: Paul had many angelic encounters that were after the ascension of Christ and the coming of Pentecost (the coming of the Holy Spirit).  I am no theologian, nor do I consider my self an expert of the scriptures, but this seems a little self explanatory to me.

This scripture I think, is self explanatory as well. Angels were created to serve God, and when we become joint heirs of the Kingdom of God through salvation in Jesus Christ, we too partake in this privilege. 

No angels are not to be worshiped (Paul makes this clear in the book of Colossians), but I think we can learn a thing or to from them, such as HOW to worship. Scripture tells us of them worshiping God (Heb. 1:6)! Also ancient biblical text also tells us of how close the Angels work with God and encounter His throne room!
 (This was another very interesting thing I learned during my class, but this is a whole other topic, but an interesting one, especially as one who loves to worship. Real quick~can't help myself~, there was a civilization within the Qumran Community where the Dead Sea Scrolls where found, who longed and strived to live in purity such as angels to get as close as they could to the throne of God. There are even texts within the Dead Sea Scrolls that tell us this community of people encountered Angels who taught them how to worship their Heavenly Father!)

I could go on all day about this topic, as it is one that is vastly researched, discussed, and debated; however, my goal in this blog post is too discuss and bring to light the privedlge we have as Believers.  Angels are not beings to be forgotten or ignored, but they are gift from God that He uses from time to time to help us in time of need, and minister to us whenever He so desires to send them. 

Every night when I put my girls to bed, I ask God to send forth His angels to our home and our my girls as they sleep. They are there to fight our spiritual battles for us in the unseen world. Their swords of Praise can tear down any stronghold and attack of the enemy.  Better yet, they are an extension of Gods hand and kingdom and He has provided their services to us during our time here on earth and this scripture reminds me of their help and assistance in this trying world.

I urge you as a Believer to seek God on this topic. Discover for your self how God can use Angels in your life to serve as helpers in this journey of life. 

Here are some books that I highly recommend concerning this topic:

Angelic Encounters By James and Michal Ann Goll ~ This is a great book about a couple in ministry who encountered Angels in the night. God used these Angelic encounters to minister to them, and to show them a piece of His heavenly Kingdom.

The Books of Enoch~ The is a translation of the extra-biblical text, The Book of Enoch.  This book shows the origins of Angels and of Demons(The Book of Watchers). And it also shows how God used Archangels to perform His tasks... This is clear representation too of how our Old Testament authors viewed angels and their capabilities. (This was a text book used within my class)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Resting In His Grace

Whew... Well if I told you that this week was marvelous, I would only be considered optimistic, because honestly, its felt anything but.  I think God allows these times to reel us back in to reality. And I've been hearing the winding of the wheel as God turns the handle. The tugs don't always feel so good, but the end results are worth it.

Humility and His Grace is where I am choosing to rest tonight. I thank God for allowing me to walk in my ways for a little bit so I can experience the hiccups first hand. They are just bittersweet reminders that I am not quite where I need to be, and I am absolutely nothing without His grace and providence in my life.

Have you felt like you've failed the test lately? Well, let me just say, you are not alone. I have failed more than one test this week, but I am learning these failed test are not to be looked upon as negative experiences. We should look upon them as huge stepping stones that are getting us closer and closer to His Heavenly Throne. Sometimes we'll trip as we are taking that next step and fall, and may even skid our knee a bit, but His graceful hand reaches down to help us back up, and it's then that we realize we can't get up these big stones without Him.

So tonight, as I reflect on this week of reeling, I am graciously reminded of where I belong, in His presence, just resting in His grace......

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Seeing Your Reflection in His Eyes!

Tonight I had the privilege to hear Jason Upton speak at our UnChapel here at Regent University. I don't get on campus much; however, I always cease the opportunity too when Jason comes. He comes bearing heavy words to challenge my heart and lunges me into the deeper pursuit of the one who created me. 

Tonight was no different. His words pierced my heart, and actually God spoke the same word he spoke through a young girl before he even spoke. For some reason emotions were high for me tonight. I would like to blame it on over exhaustion from being a mommy of two babies and being in school, but thats the norm of my life. Tonight the emotions seem to be more God lead.  Sometimes when I am in His presence thats all I can do, is weep.  Its almost cleansing for me and allows me to release all the burdens I've been holding inside! 

Anyways, as the young girl spoke about Hagar, the maid servant to Abraham who bore his first son. She reminded us of how God never forgot about her. Although it seemed she was forgotten, God still met her in the desert and provided for her and her child. And as she spoke those words. The tears began.  I wasn't feeling forgotten. Or at least I didn't think I was, until that moment God just decided or well, knew, I needed a little love tonight.  I felt it.  He whispered gently in my ears, "I see it all. I see all who you are as a mother, and all that you give as a person. Your still you, and YOU are the one I love." 

I learned tonight that in order for me to truly love myself, and most importantly my children, I need to understand the depth of the Fathers love for me.  He created me to be a true representation of the His kingdom! And no this does not entail some HUGE ministry endeavor that will make me a better Christian in the eyes of the church, but just being Amber. The Amber he created. Not painted or designed to meet someone else's expectations, but designed perfectly the way God made me.

In that moment, my heart was lightened, and my soul rejuvenated. God saw my need, and he filled it. 

I walked away tonight feeling better about who I am, all because I saw myself in the REFLECTION of HIS EYES.  
Thank you Jesus for loving me, just for me. And most importantly showing me the true beauty in just being!