Saturday, May 7, 2011

Goals for the Summer

So its been a total of Seven days since I completed the Spring Semester of 2011, only to begin the Summer Semester on Monday. Yes, quite a break, especially with traveling out of town four of those seven days. LOL and any of my mother friends can testify that traveling with little ones is not exactly a vacation, but thankfully my mother-in-law has been very helpful with pulling my little girl, Abigail, out of their fireplace, several times a day! LOL Yes, she is at a very active stage...but I am truly loving every minute of it.

So with another semester vastly approaching, and another baby soon to be born, I've decided to set some goals this summer. Some may think I am crazy, okay, I feel crazy. Some may think no big deal, well, you've probably never been in school with two babies. LOL... lets just say, I am feeling a little crazy and excited all in one. These goals only serve a purpose, and that is to make time for myself (before the third baby arrives) and intentionally challenge myself more as a follower of Christ.

Okay, you ready?
Trust me, all this hype really means nothing! LOL
But the goals are:

-Read two books along with my required readings for class.
-Instill a weekly workout routine to assist with the pregnancy.

I just honestly miss reading for pleasure. I have book shelves full of books that I am LONGING to read, but there are only two pressing on my heart right now.

The first one:

I have some friends who are reading this now and have talked very highly about it. Most importantly this book posed a challenge for me, spiritually. I am wanting something that will challenge me to go deeper with God. Most of you know the lifestyle Mike and I have been called to live. It's not that we live poorly, but do live unlike a lot of our fellow friends in life. We aren't able to leisurely shop, etc. Okay, a LOT of people are not able to leisurely shop right now. Sorry, bad example. But sometimes we are unaware of how our bills will get paid; However, He ALWAYS comes through for us. No, thats not a problem for us, but to say its not a struggle sometimes for me, would be a lie. I think a book like this will hopefully just encourage me in this walk as we journey in this process. I think sometimes being surrounded by the American dream constantly can be discouraging, especially when you know you've been called to live differently. I often say, Mike and I are not pursuing graduate school to make sure we can buy a house and a car for ourselves, but we're pursuing training to undergo a non-profit to help the less fortunate. So although this may be a short season for us, I still feel like this is going to be a lifestyle. Just like now, our needs have always been and will always be met, but I believe God is just wanting us to live with enough... Although, I often feel over abundantly blessed.... So I just feel like this book will hopefully re-edify our lifestyle while challenging us to live more radically for Him. :-)

The Second book I've chosen is one I've been wanting to read for a LONG time and I honestly can't think of a more perfect time to read it:


Many are aware that my last pregnancy with Abigail I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes. Many people say, oh no big deal, just eat right and all will be well. Well I ate perfect, worked out six days a week, and thirty pounds later, in a matter of two months, was still unable to maintain healthy blood sugars. This resulted in two different medications, thankfully no insulin, but an early induction and me being unable to birth in a midwifery center I so desperately desire to do. So with this third pregnancy here, my midwifes first concern, SUGAR! I had my glucose test at 11 weeks and failed miserably. So the healthy eating (yes i should have been doing this all along) begins even earlier this pregnancy. So far I have been able to maintain my sugars nicely with diet. My prayer is that it continues with no medications! Also I go for my three hour sugar test next week which will be the deciding factor of whether or not I have GD this time or not. I just think this book could not come at a more perfect time. I knew the Lord desired for me to read it at the perfect time, so here it is. Eating healthy for my baby is not much of a struggle for me, but once the baby comes out is a different story. My goal is too continue this healthy eating with replacing my desires for sweets to Him! I can't wait to begin this book! Looking forward too

And of course, now that you have read the above paragraph, you now understand the need for routine exercising! LOL

So yes these are my goals. I think if I cut out some television and maybe some play-dates (no my kids do NOT need to be out of the house 5 days a week) this is very possible. 

I hope to blog some of my reactions to the books and just the journey this will bring me!

If you have read all this, BRAVO! LOL Thanks for reading it! And if you know me personally, please ask me about it! Everybody could use a little accountability, right?