Sunday, September 5, 2010

Have you seen Brad?

And no I am NOT talking about Brad Pitt....

Yesterday my hubby and I were able to steal away for a few hours to enjoy dinner without the babies. Of course this was all thanks to Grandma who agreed to watching the girls. After a nice meal alone Mike and I decided to head over to Barnes and Noble and enjoy quietness around some of our most favorite things, books.  
Unfortunately it was later than normal and B&N was about to close. As we rode past the door, a young gentleman caught Mikes eye. As I was driving away Mike urged me to turn around. Mike said, "I feel like I am suppose to talk to this guy." Now Mike is known for taking compassion on the homeless, so I looked at him and said, "I don't think this guy is homeless." Mike responds, "I don't know, but God wants me to speak to him, I think he needs help." So trusting the voice of the Lord we turned around and decided to enter B&N.  As we walked by, it was clear that this young man was distraught. Mike turned and asked him if he was alright, and he responded, "I am stranded and no one will give me spare change." So Mike said, "please come in, Lets have some coffee and I will get you something to eat." Feeling so at peace with this stranger, we walked in to B&N and was awakened to a new found love of God. 

As we told him to pick out something from the Starbucks inside, he only got a small pretzel and insisted that he only get a cup of water from the sugar stand. It was clear that this man was not looking to take advantage of the help. Something burned in me, it was like I longed to know his story! 
So as we sat down, we learned that his name was Brad and that he was recently kicked out of his mothers house because of his addiction to Heroin. Having family members who struggle with drugs and Mike being one who came from a lifestyle of drugs, we felt complete compassion for him. Unfortunately the phone rang and Abigail was home needing me to feed her. So our time was cut short with Brad, but my mind has never left him. 
As I crawled into bed that night, I thought about Brad. Where was he sleeping? Where would he end up? How must his mother feel knowing that she had to kick her son out on the streets because of his addiction? All these thoughts crossed my mind... 
That night I was reminded of the blessings in my life, but most importantly I was reminded of how important it is for us as Christians to take time out of our busy schedules to impact others with the Love of God. As we left Brad that night we learned that he once knew the Lord and that he longed to know him again. 

So Lord right now I pray for Brad. Wherever he is Lord, I pray that He would encounter your love! I pray Lord that you would send your angels to minister to him and encourage him to seek your face. God I pray that the bondage's of addiction would fall off his shoulders and that his burden would become light because of your grace and Love. 
Lord may I be burdened to no longer drive by being consumed by my day, but be challenged by your Holy Spirit to go and tell him of your saving grace! 

Tonight, I challenge you (as well as myself), 
have you seen Brad lately?


Karen said...

That's awesome. Praying for Brad too. Mike reminds me so much of Daniel. That is exactly something Daniel enjoyed doing. Answering God's call to minister to anyone he saw. :) God will bless you both in your ministry; you both have amazing hearts for the lost!

So excited you are going to be sharing more now!!! Can't wait to read your blog often! :)

Amber Thornton said...

Thank you so much Karen!! Daniel's heart must have been so precious to the Lord that He wanted him home with Him. :) His life and legacy still lives, impacting many through your willingness to share!

As far as the blog goes, haha! I need you to hold me accountable! I told Mike, I LOVE to blog, so praying I stick with it! :)

Brittany Cantada said...

Thank you so much for sharing this. I believe God will use your blog as a testimony of His great works and love. As for the challenge thank you for that too. The Spirit has really been challenging us a lot. As Shane Claiborne said in his book Irresistible Revolution, He comforts the disturbed and disturbs the comfortable. You are right Amber, Christianity is definitely an action, and love is a verb. We are called to love and love with a great compassion, full of grace and forgiveness.

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